con·verge: (of several people or things) coming together from different directions so as eventually to meet.

We are birthed out of the idea that when heaven and earth converge, lives are changed.

Converge is more than a name.

  • It's where Heaven meets Earth.

    Lives are changed, broken hearts are mended, people are healed and our true purpose is found when heaven converges with earth and we encounter the Presence of God. Our heart for the Longview area is that everyone would have the chance to have that encounter.

  • It's where generations unite.

    We serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God loves it when generations converge. We are committed to be a church where every age is ministered to. Our desire is that your whole family would be excited to call Converge Church home.

  • It's where people of all backgrounds come together.

    God doesn’t play favorites and neither do we. No matter where you are in your journey, where you live in the city, or what your past looks like, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! Our church is a place where all walks of life can converge and experience the Presence of God together as a family.

Senior Pastors

Kenny and Jackalyn Smith come from a long history of ministry. They moved to Texas from Oregon, where they have served as Generation Pastors, Executive Pastors, and elders.

A little bit about us

A short message from our Senior Pastors Kenny & Jackalyn Smith about the heart behind Converge Church.

Our Journey

Converge Church was born out of a word of the Lord that came to Kenny and Jackalyn Smith in 2021. After 20 plus years serving as youth pastor and then executive pastor, it was time to start their own church. In January of 2023, Kenny, Jackalyn and their five kids along with four other families moved from Oregon to Longview, TX to plant Converge Church. With clear vision to build a church where people can encounter Jesus and a mission to reach the families of East Texas the team is excited to bring the anointing they have cultivated over years of serving together to this amazing city.

What we believe - Core Beliefs

The Scriptures as truth

We believe the Bible is the express word of God, that it is infallible and the basis for all truth.


We believe that Jesus Christ is a real person that walked the earth, fully man fully God, who was born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.

Who God is

We believe in the divinity of God, who is One God in three persons; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe it is only through grace - not works - that we are saved. Only by repentance of our sins and faith in the the work of Jesus on the cross are we saved.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a distinct aspect of the Christian foundational experience with the primary evidence of speaking in tongues as well as evidences such as empowerment to witness, to conquer sin and to live a holy life.


We believe that sin is falling short of God’s standard, and is something we are all born with - but we also believe the Jesus died to take this sin away and give us a way to the Father.


We believe in the baptism in water - as shown by Jesus Himself - to be necessary to do what Christ told us to. We also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and operating in spiritual gifts.

Want a comprehensive look at what we believe? Check out our Statement of Beliefs.